
Booktube-A-Thon 2017 TBR

Okay, I know I’m not a booktuber, and this readathon is *technically* supposed to be for booktubers, but I thought I would take part in the reading challenges. They sound so fun and I can’t wait to find out whether I can actually complete all of them in one week.

I am also going to be (hopefully) publishing a blog post every day for booktube-a-thon!

So, here is my TBR for the 2017 booktube-a-thon:

1. Read a book with a person on the cover.

I have chosen to read The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware. I have actually owned this book for months, but I have never picked it up. It sounds incredibly and I think I should be able to read it quite quickly since it’s not too long a book.

2. Read a hyped book.

I am going to go for The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. This is one of my most anticipated reads for 2017 and I finally bit the bullet and bought it from Book Depository. I simply cannot explain how excited I am to read this book!

3. Finish a book in one day.

The book I have picked for this challenge is Alex As Well by Alyssa Brugman. I borrowed this book from the library last week because it explores teenage identity, gender, sexuality and relationships, and I think it will be a great read. It’s only around 200 pages and I should hopefully be able to read it in one day.

4. Read about a character that is very different from you.

For this challenge I have chosen to read The Colour Purple by Alice Walker. I have wanted to read this book for ages and this has given me the perfect opportunity to do so. Celie, the protagonist, is very different from my in the sense that I have thankfully never experience segregation and have never been in poverty. She is in a completely different life situation to me, and that is why I have chosen this book.

5. Finish a book completely outdoors.

I am going to read The Next Together by Lauren James for this challenge. And I am aware that it say *finish* a book outside, so does that mean I only have to read the last chapter or so outside?! I bought it for my kindle a few days ago since it was only 99p and I have been wanting to read it for a really long time. Very excited for this one!

6. Read a book you bought because of the cover.

I have chosen to read Disclaimer by Renée Knight. This book has been sitting on my shelf for longer than I would like to admit. The cover instantly caught my attention and I hope it exceeds my expectations.

7. Read seven books.

If I somehow manage to read all six books before the end of the week, I will read the sequel to The Next Together, which is The Last Beginning. I highly doubt that I will get anywhere near this book, since it usually takes me on average 2 – 4 days to read a book!


And that is my 2017 booktube-a-thon TBR! I have no idea how many books I will actually read but I shall see how it goes! Thank you for reading.

Chloe 🙂

1 thought on “Booktube-A-Thon 2017 TBR”

  1. Ariel clarified that you don’t really have to be a booktuber to be able to participate in the BokkTubeAThon! Isn’t it great? 🙂 Good luck with your TBR for the next booktubeathon days! 🙂

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